Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Beginning of Everything


I'm not really sure that anybody is ever going to read this. I'm not even sure if I'm going to want to read this, to be perfectly honest. I don't know if this will be a complete waste of time and a complete waste of internet space, or if it will blossom into something worthwhile and inspiring. With my luck, I'm highly doubtful. However, I've heard on multiple occasions that aspiring writers should write everyday, or as much as possible, and so I thought I'd give it a shot. This blog will be the toilet bowl to my word vomit, if you will. I apologize for the imagery, but at this point I can't really justify that this blog will end up being a collection of the works of some teenage genius or anything that people will actually want to follow and peruse. I'm here to write, it's as simple as that. However, I do feel obligated to provide some background information just in case I become famous one day and people want to refer to my glorious beginnings:


1) So yeah that's me--an aspiring writer, that is. I'd ideally like to major in music journalism or creative writing in college and somehow stumble into a career in one of those fields, settle down in a nice little loft in some city with a handsome, tall, dark-haired significant other and just write for a living. Throughout my entire life, the written word has been a consistently illuminating beacon, a source in which I find solace, inspiration, and peace. I'm infatuated with the idea that you can transform your thoughts into something tangible--physical, even--something that you can refer back to and reflect on. I started reading when I was three years old, and practically as soon as I could hold a pencil, I started writing stories of my own. Granted, they're all terribly and embarrassingly bad and written with varying colors of gel pen in notebooks with horses on the cover, but we've all got to start somewhere, right? Through the years I've gotten slightly more esteemed, ricocheting from rather angsty fanfiction to less angsty but definitely infinitely sappier poetry. It's my dream to write a novel someday, although I haven't the faintest clue when or what it will be about. Apparently the idea is supposed to just hit me one day, while I'm driving to work or maybe it'll come to me in some freakishly realistic dream. For now I'm just stuck writing lines to myself on my phone or rushed journal entries and waiting for that "spark".

2) Besides reading and writing, the only other thing in life that has brought me the same level of comfort and consolation is music. I adore music--I think it's one of the most brilliant forms of self-expression. It's raw and it's tailored, it's honest and unapologizing. It's a beacon, a memory, a light that leads you to that one notional, conceptual place where you can be anybody, feel anything, rock worlds, blow minds. It's the sound of sadness or the sound of falling in love. It's anything you want it to be, and it's that versatility that drew me into the types of music I listen to in the first place.

3) My last name is pronounced like Diagon-Alley, so depending on how familiar you are with the Harry Potter series either that will blow you away or you won't give a rat's ass.

4) I have a deep and perhaps slightly naive admiration for movies. It's hard to find time to watch a lot of films but I really appreciate a movie that's well-done and can make me feel something (which, admittedly, there are several, as I am an aforementioned sap).

5) I say that I'm a cynic but I'm also a hopeless romantic on the down low. My guilty pleasure is really cheesy, bad romantic comedies that have like, a negative three percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. (This is kind of contradictory to my last fact but it's the truth. I guess I just really like movies, period.)

6) I hate chocolate ice cream. I get choked up when people praise me, even if it's for something really trivial.  

7) I like burning CDs for people, driving, banana bread (duh), birthdays, any movie produced by the Marvel franchise, and the English indie rock band Arctic Monkeys.

8) I currently live in Cary, North Carolina where I attend Green Hope High School as a member of DECA and the yearbook staff. Mostly I just keep my head down and try to get through each painfully long school day with as much energy and dignity as I can preserve. That was a joke. I'm fine. I actually kind of enjoy school, in all honesty.

9) I'm sixteen, I'm an Aries, my favorite color is yellow, I'm a Gryffindor, I was born on April 3rd, my favorite number is seventeen, I really like talking about myself even though I usually have nothing worthwhile to say--

10) My favorite person in the world is my little sister Madi. She's a gem. Just an all around cool person, a real firecracker. She's the cat's pajamas, honestly. Our sisterly bond is two parts unconventional, two parts dysfunctional, ten parts everything I need. I just really appreciate that dork.

Anyway, that's me. The rest of my posts won't be as drab and unenlightened as this one, rest assured. I just wanted to introduce myself to you lovely people, whoever you may be.
