Friday, May 27, 2016

Suspended in a Sunbeam (a poem)

(This is the final piece I wrote for my high school's online literary magazine, The Inkblot, in my Honors Creative Writing II class. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in this class and had the opportunity to challenge myself to write about things I wouldn't normally write about and approach my ideas from all kinds of different perspectives. The theme for our final issue of the semester was "space", and I chose to write a poem about the Voyager missions launched by NASA in 1977. NASA sent two probes into space, each carrying a golden record with sounds and songs selected by Carl Sagan along with 116 images of life on Earth. I hoped for the piece to be a poetic exploration of this small attempt to sum up human existence and the necessity that we feel to communicate that existence with extraterrestrial life. So, here it is, the last creative piece I will ever write at Green Hope High School.)

The dictionary defines a voyage
as a long trip to a faraway land,
and a voyager
as the one who embarks, who travels,
who wanders.
Historically, an explorer.
One who navigates the unknown.
An adventurer.

In 1977
NASA sent the Voyager I and II probes
into space.

Because they would be the first spacecrafts
to travel beyond our Solar System,
a panel of scientists composed golden records carrying
messages for potential extraterrestrial life.

The records are a time capsule
of human existence,
and include photos of canyons,
skyscrapers, Olympic sprinters,
cells, diagrams of the makeup of Earth.
Songs representing different styles of music
and greetings in fifty-five languages.
The records will likely outlast all of human life
and possibly even the Blue Planet itself.
They will remain, navigating the great cosmic ocean
for millions of years.

I wonder if one can really be a voyager if
their destination is unknown.

It’s hard not to feel extremely small
thinking about those spacecrafts, hurtling through
the final frontier
at 35,000 miles a second.
We’re trying to talk to aliens but we haven’t
even finished charting our own oceans.
I looked up at the sky last night
when I took my dog out
and thought
about those records and the
fruitlessness of this existence--
my life, a microscopic blip on this
great blinking timeline.

There are potentially
134 habitable planets within thirty four
light years of us, but it takes
the Voyager crafts 17,000 years
to travel just
one single light year.
I find this extremely frustrating.
It will be 40,000 years before the crafts get anywhere
near another star other than our Sun
and I’ll be gone and everyone I’ve ever known and loved
will be gone and there might have been wars
and there might have been love and happiness
and new things that none of us right now could even imagine,
and maybe aliens will find those records and Earth will look
absolutely nothing like what it does in those 116 humble images.

All those airports and busy highways,
mountain climbers, cotton harvests.
Little university towns, computers.
Superficial wounds on our fresh-faced planet.

So here I am, driving in my car,
singing along to good music and here
I am going to the movies and going to concerts
and here I am worrying about college and my friends
and the rest of my tiny life and there are probably
other life forms out there and we’re probably not
alone and everything I am doing will never be
anywhere close to significant.

As of this moment, Voyager I is 20,073,807,603 KM from Earth
and I’m thinking about what cereal I want to
have for breakfast tomorrow morning.

I guess it’s hard not to feel like
a waste of time and space when you
know you’d never make it on a golden record.
I’m writing hasty poems in class
and learning about United States government and we’re
trying to communicate with aliens who are
too far away
for me to even fathom.

Those records,
that small attempt to sum up
human existence,
that sad little encapsulation of everything we hold near and dear
to our mortal hearts,
pays tribute to our need, our desperation to
communicate everything with others.

“Tell me about your day.”
“How are you feeling?”
“I want to hear all about it.”
“I love you.”
“Let me know how it goes.”

Most are familiar with Pale Blue Dot,
the image of Earth that the Voyager sent back to us
before exiting our Solar System
There we are, a tiny little smudge,
a nearly indistinguishable blob of pixelated blue
suspended in a sunbeam.
That’s home. That’s you and me
and everything else and seven billion
other people and all of our mostly
uncharted oceans and every single blade of grass.

None of us know what will happen next,
but we sent spacecrafts outside of our
Solar System,
outside of the heliosphere,
outside of anything we’ve ever known
just for the chance to say
to our friends in the stars.
We wish that we will meet you someday.”

All along I knew Earth was a romantic.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Election Year (a poem)

I realize I am always measuring my life in some
nostalgic version of 
“this time last year." 

Saving chopstick wrappers 
and cards and pictures on my phone.
Trying to hold onto everything 
while I still can,
trying to salvage the unsalvagable.
Believing this moment is more 
than just simply a moment.
Thinking about all the 
cool and profound things I want to do
but never getting around to them.

They don’t make memories like this

This will be a good month.
And this will be a good life.

May came with a blue-gray streak of 
storm threatening the tree-line,
announcing its arrival with the 
roll of thunder, darkening suburbia.

There’s something that’s always 
been bittersweet to me about this time of year.
Friends leaving, friends coming home,
Mother’s Day, flowers, 
something sleepy and fleeting.
Prom, parties, 
everything, futures, wide and bright.
May breeds a place, a time for roots, a dark dampened ground.
Looking out the window I thought about how the trees 
outside my Gov classroom have 
been there for the past
four years, too,
but unlike me, they’ll never leave.
A kind of grounded impermanence, 
a kind of stationary necessity.

We’ve been working so hard
for the day that 
we’ll get out of this place since
the day that we arrived
without noticing the trees 
or the coffee smell of the hallways.

A post-grad curse. 

Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.
Maybe I’m wrong and 
you’re not all as sentimental as I am.

Soon the tassels will turn.
We’ll move on.
This won’t matter so much.

I know it’s supposed to be a happy ending,
but is any ending every really happy?

I’ll probably miss
this the suburban safe haven
where fights don’t break out on metros 
and there’s no symbolic city grime
or museums full of weirdos 
and the distance between me and home 
is only a couple of
tiny miles.

And I know I have to get out of this town,
but part of me--
the wimpy part--
wants everything to last forever.

But there’s the necessity to leave 
this little comfort zone.
To feel nothing during the metro fight 
and to walk through museums 
with people I hardly know.
Because I made it. We made it.

Of course,
like any ending, there are
friends I made too late,
people I wish I’d known longer,
things I wish had happened.
The destinations of yesterday 
lost and forgotten as
we beat on, 
seniors singing songs for tomorrow.

But we’re just so young,
there’s still so much time 
to celebrate birthdays 
and to make the world we want
out of ourselves.

At that, there’s still enough time
to tell all your friends 
that you love them
and there’s always going to be
enough time 
for one more song.

And so we hope for tomorrow
and lament the loss of 
those who won’t make it to then
and laugh our last laughs
and tell random people how in love we are 
and then forget about it the next day
and face the future with big, beating hearts
because we’re ready.

We stand here,
facing a world
of silver spoons and soap boxes,
and we're ready. 

“Stop waiting for the right time,”
I say to myself as the sky breaks open 
and the rain starts to come down in great chutes.
“It doesn’t exist.”

For now I’ll keep writing essays about everything bagels
and listening to storms passing quietly in the night.
I'll keep saving chopstick wrappers 
and feeling sentimental and I'll believe in 
my youthful invincibility,
because maybe my art won’t get me to Jupiter,
but my lust for life could get me 
pretty darn close.